今年的圣诞文化街于12月9及10日(星期六及日)两天举行,由吉隆坡沐恩关怀基金会及文良港华文教会联祷会6间成员教会联合举办,即卫理公会沐恩堂、接棒者基督教会、活泉基督教会、文良港社区教会长老会原道堂及文良港信义会基督堂。两天的圣诞文化街活动同样从下午3时开跑,直到晚间10时结束。地点设于文良港美丹马末商业区(Medan Makmur, Jalan Usahawan)。
花车游行则于12月9日晚间7时正开始,从文良港信义会基督堂启程至圣诞文化街终点,全程约3.5公里。今年共有6辆花车参与游行,花车主题包括卫Jesus, The Reason For Christmas(善牧堂天主教会)、马槽(直凉赞美教会)、耶稣的生日(接棒者基督教会)、礼物(活泉基督教会)、爱的礼物(卫理公会沐恩堂)及 别树一帜的 Bumblebee (马来西亚基督徒关怀协会)。每辆花车都设计得精美,七彩灯光闪烁,非常绚丽夺目。
与往年一样,圣诞文化街将以慈善义卖会的方式进行,活动也得到雪隆区许多商家和公众朋友的赞助捐款,齐心做慈善,递送爱与温情。9日当晚,联办单位分别将1万令吉支票移交给两间难民学校代表,让身在异乡寄人篱下的孩童也能在我国接受良好教育。另外,活动也设有圣诞之愿(Christmas Wish)环节,为于较早前认领的120名难民孩童购买圣诞礼物。主办单位也得到 Living Wing Sdn Bhd 的赞助,赠送每位难民孩童一支 Bros 水瓶。
The Christmas Carnival Street 2017
The Muken Care Foundation KL and Setapak Chinese Church Prayer Union Group collaborated to organize the Christmas carnival street and Christmas parade in the city centre again this year. The event had brought series of exciting programs to the residents in Klang Valley.
The Christmas cultural street held on 9th – 10th Dec (Sat & Sun) for 2 days, and 6 churches in Setapak participated in the event. They are Christ Lutheran Church, Setapak Community Church, KL Christian Fellowship, Church of Living Streams, Setapak Logos Presbyterian Church and Muk En Methodist Church. The carnival started from 3pm till 10pm, located at Medan Makmur, Jalan Usahawan.
The Christmas parade held on 9th Dec at 7pm, started from Setapak Lutheran Church and ended at Carnival Street that took about 3km. There were 6 floats participated in this year parade, with different themes of Jesus, The Reason of Christmas (catholic church), The Manger (church name), The Birthday of Jesus (church name), The Gift (church name), The Gift of Love (Muk En Methodist Church), and Bumblebee (name).
During the opening speech of Pastor Dennis Lau, the executive consultant of Muken Care Foundation, that Christmas is to commemorate the birth of Jesus, who brought joy and peace. Hence , he hoped to share the blessings of Jesus Christ to the people in this special season.
Besides, he also wished to offer donation to help the poverty through the charity sale in carnival street. The surplus from it will be donated to two refugees schools and poverty students from 5 chinese school in Setapak.
The same like previous years, the charity bazaar received warm support from retails and public in terms of donation. On 9th Dec, the committee presented a cheque of RM10K to the representatives from refugees school. Besides, there are Christmas Wish action whereby 120 refugees children is identified and will get a Christmas present from Christmas Santa. The organizer also giveaway a BROS water bottle to each of the children which sponsored by Living Wing Sdn Bhd.
During the two days, there are various of eateries, beverages, decorations, gifts and games booths in the carnival street. There are stage performances taken place as well, from caroling, dancing, musical instruments performance, and children singing performance. Besides, there are the first Christmas costume competition this year. In total had 12 participants, which ranging from the youngest 7 months baby to 10 years old kids which dressed up in Santa callus, snowman, snow white and etc.
There are a Christmas mini exhibition which showcased the meaning of Christmas. And the new added booth this year, was the Happiness Gate which offered prayer to anyone that approach the booth, and we can put up our wish for 2018 at the booth too.
The carnival also invited the local popular singer – Ms Wong Xue Jing to perform on 10th Dec. She shared of her story in the celebrities industry, and how she lose weight through discipline life.