为配合今年第十一届砂拉越州选举,沐恩社区关怀服务中心特于4月10日(星期日)下午2时在二楼的社区服务中心举行《选民教育》讲座及选举监票员训练会。中心邀请到砂拉越崛起力量(Rise Of Sarawak Efforts,简称 ROSE)机构义工前来主讲,并于讲座会结束后,为回乡投票,且有意成为选举监票员的弟兄姐妹和公众朋友现场提供模拟训练。
讲座会也帮助出席者们厘清身为选民在投票时出现的混淆,以提高投票率﹐并确保选民在大选时投下的选票 有效。
在接下来的4个小时里,有意成为监票员的出席者留下接受模拟角色扮演训练。经验丰富的 ROSE义工将现场设置成模拟投票站,让每位参与者扮演不同的角色。训练于6时许结束,当天有8位本堂弟兄姐妹向ROSE登记,表示有意在来届砂州选举中担任监票员。
Voter education seminar + Polling and Counting Agents (PACA) Training
In preparation for the upcoming Sarawak’s 11th state election, Muk En Community Care Centre held a seminar to educate the voters and polling and counting agents (PACA) training session at Muk En Methodist Church. On 10th April 2015, 2pm, Rise of Sarawak Efforts (R.O.S.E) kicked off the Polling and Counting (PACA) training session. The main part of the training was on the roles and responsibilities of a PA and CA on Election Day interspersed with voter education and rights.
We had around 35 participants attended this seminar. Most of them are the members of Muk En Methodist church, while others are from our community. In the first hour of the seminar, all the participants were being educated about the importance to register as a voter and to fulfil the duties as a voter. We learned that only a qualified voter can choose the leader for this country via his vote. Through democratic election, we had the chance to select the leaders that truly serve this country and to eliminate those who are not.
In addition, this seminar also clarified the confusions that may occur at the polling station on the Election Day. All the voters are required to know their rights to ensure all the votes cast in the election are valid.
In the next 4 hours, training on the roles and responsibilities of a Counting Agent (CA) as well as an overview of what happens at a Polling Station on Election Day was conducted by the experienced ROSE trainers. Each participant was given different role and different situations at a polling station. The use of role-play in training was well received and the participants gained a lot of knowledge from it. The training ended at 6pm. Eight participants were registered to be the PA or CA in the coming Sarawak state election.