我们的服务 – 翻乐街舞班
沐恩舞蹈社于2009 年由一班爱跳舞的年轻人所成立了,其目的是要以舞蹈接触社区里对舞蹈有兴趣的年轻朋友。
一开始, 舞蹈社以街舞为主要的教材,因此比较吸引年轻人加入。从2009 年到2011 年年中,舞蹈社只开设成人班。
后来因着社区的需求,我们在2011 年中也开设了孩童街舞班。
Muk En Dance club was formed in year 2009 by a group of young people who were deeply in love with dancing. They aim to reach out to youngster in the community who are interested in dancing.
In the beginning, hip-hop dance was used as the main core for all the courses in this dance club. Thus, it attracted mostly young people to join this club. From year 2009 to mid-2011, the dance club only launched classes for adults.
Later, due to the needs of the community, hip-hop classes for children were launched in year 2011. Every year, together with music class’ students, a showcase will be held. All their families and friends were invited to enjoy their performance.
Taking this opportunity, we allow the youngsters to have a healthy learning platform; in addition we provide chances for them to have further interaction with their families and friends. Moreover, all students are arranged to perform in major festivals in the church, such as New Year Thanksgiving service, Easter Day Celebration, Christmas Celebration, Christmas Carnival and etc. These events allow us to reach out to more young people in the community.
In year 2013, Muk En Dance Club was officially renamed as “Street Dance Fun Club” and it continues to launch short term courses to serve young people who love dancing.