Easter Love Movement
7D4J gospel movement that in line with church’s Easter festival had mobilized the whole congregation on 2nd April after church service, entering Air Panas Flat Apartment, which located opposite of the church, by visiting several families to promote about the seven days evangalical events as well as Easter Blood Donation event on 9th April.
On that day, there were 20 Isaiah School Students participated too, but they were only focused on three needed families in order to fulfill Social Concern subject’s requirement. Besides distributing rice and food, they were also cleaning their houses and corridors, experiencing how to serve the needy, to dirt their hand for The Lord.
Around 12pm, 76 brothers and sisters were entering the flats in 8 groups for Love Movement under supervision of cell group leaders, and finished their mission around 2pm. They were then back to Manna Hall to have their simple lunch while sharing about the movement results. The results of the day were fruitful as many families were willing to open their doors, receiving the gifts, meanwhile some brothers and sisters took the opportunities to pray and share gospel with them.
Throught this Love Movement, brothers and sisters had successfully invited some residents to the 7D4J evangelical nights, so that they will have chance to hear about gospel and get to know the Lord Jesus Christ.