趁着农历新年逼近之际,教会弟兄姐妹配合参与沐恩关怀基金会进行的一系列施赠活动。首先1月14日周六晚间,约有二十多位义工前往文良港热水湖市政府组屋(PPR Air Panas)探访并派发米粮及红包予贫寒家庭及独居老人,递送温情,共有13户人家受惠,让他们能够欢喜迎接丁酉年。
Muk En Foundation Kuala Lumpur gifting to the underprivileged senior citizens and students
With Chinese New Year is just around the corner, the church congregation had collaborated with Muk En Foundation Kuala Lumpur to carry out a series of give and share activities.
The first activity was on 14th January (Saturday) evening with around 20 volunteers went to PPR Air Panas to distribute grain and angpow to the less fortunate families and solitary elders. Total of 13 families received the goodies and angpow which enabled them to celebrate the rooster year in joy.
It was a heavy downpour on that evening, however, it did not put out the zealous heart for care where the volunteers extended their act of care to another 40 families within the building by visiting and give away the festive goodies to them.
On 17th and 18th January (Wednesday and Thursday), the Foundation co-worker had given away back to school supplies including school bag, stationeries, shoes and socks to 5 Chinese primary schools located in Setapak which comprised of SJKC CHIAO NAN, SRJK(C)Chong Hwa, SRJK (C) Mun Yee, SJK (C) Lee Rubber and Sjkc Wangsa Maju. Total of 47 underprivileged students received the supplies which able to help lessen the burden of low-income families.